What is Taglish?

This is from Karl's website describing Taglish, which will be performed October 25 at APAture '13...

Taglish is a new work from Bay Area guitarist/composer Karl Evangelista and art rock outfit Grex--an album of original Filipino-American music that is staggering in scope and strangeness. 

Inspired by Evangelista's family experiences, Taglish is an exploration of the multifaceted nature of both contemporary music and 21st century immigrant culture. The project synthesizes jazz, American song, 20th century experimentalism, and Filipino folk melody into a sound that is at once universal and starkly personal. Centered around Evangelista's duo Grex and featuring trailblazing saxophonist/Asian Improv aRts cofounder Francis Wong, renowned electric bassist/multi-instrumentalist John-Carlos Perea, and Bay Area drumming dynamo Jordan Glenn, Taglish is a genuinely multicultural, trans-idiomatic work.

For more info: http://www.karlevangelista.com


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commented 2013-12-23 12:03:08 -0800
Thank you
Francis Wong's Website